Just Out in Time for the New Year!


Image of the cover of the anthology Space Cowboys 404: Cow Not Found

What a fun anthology! After reading from one of my novels at Miscon in Missoula MT, a guy came up to the table and asked if I had any space cowboy stories. He told me about Raconteur Press, and suggested I submit a story for this anthology series. I did, and here it is. Unfortunately, he did not include his name in the contact info he gave me. Who was that masked man? I wanted to thank him.

Worldbuilding at Minicon

I’ll be on the Worldbuilding panel with Eleanor Arnason, Lois McMaster Bujold, Becky Heydemann, and Martha Wells.

Here are some of my favorite worldbuilders: China Mieville, Paolo Bacigalupi, and Karin Lowachee.